Events for Heartlifters Ministry


Ways We Support Each Other

We support with a card ministry–sending birthday and holiday cards.  We support with encouraging phone calls and in-person events several times a year.


 Heartlifters offers workshops to help support families in their healing and recovery journey. We have had an array of topics ranging from How to Rebuild Faith After Loss, Privacy & the Media Challenge and Dealing with Debt.

Our 2025 Schedule of  events

Beginning date: September 9


Join our host José Hernández, Professional Counselor, Therapist and Former Chaplain as he shares some tips that may help to facilitate the grieving process and improve your overall well-being. These sessions will continue for five more weeks in a small group session.

Sligo Fellowship Hall – 2 p.m.

Tuesday evenings at 6:30 p.m., September 9 – December 2


Don’t try to go through your grief alone.  Connect with Sligo Church’s GriefCare group in person for 13 sessions with caring people who understand the issues you face and practical counsel for decision-making and managing stress.  Register and encourage your friends who have recently lost a loved one to register as well.

Discipleship Room

November 8

Just A Sip/Just A Taste

Jeanette Bryson, recently retired as a Professor in the Education Department at Middle East College.  She also was the Chair of the Education Department at Washington Adventist University.  She will share the story of the sudden loss of her husband and her journey of faith.


Sligo Fellowship Hall  – 2 p.m.

December 7

Blue Christmas

Christmas can be one of the most difficult times of the year because of the memories of loss.  Come and join us at a special worship experience with space for silence, reflection, music and meditation and for the brunch following the service.

Sligo Fellowship Hall – 11 a.m.

Hyveth Williams is a well-known pastor, speaker, and author based in Michigan.
Jose Hernandez, Sheila Schlisner-Hendricks, Hyveth Williams, Charlotte Conway, Chris Daley, Carla Conway, Joyce Martin, Hazel Marroquin