Our Prayer

Give us a heart sympathetic and tender; Jesus, like thine, touched by the needs that are surging around us, and filled with compassion divine.


We Believe in the Power of Prayer

App for your phone: Search in your apps for: Amen: The Prayer App, select HeartLifters

Email: heartlifters@sligochurch.org

HeartLifters offers a prayer ministry that supports our members. If you want to request prayer for something specific, we have a prayer app called Amen: The Prayer App. Members will pray for you. If you want to talk to someone and have them pray with you, email: heartlifters@sligochurch.org and request a return call. Join us for the prayer ministry that meets your needs.

     Join us on Sunday mornings to pray at 11 a.m. Eastern time.

    • Go to sligochurch.org
    • Look for the calendar on the right
    • Find the Current Date
    • Click on Online Prayer Gathering (Sundays) 
    • Log into Zoom